Feature Film

Speculative Set Design

Written By: Becky Leigh & Mario Kyprianou

Set in the 1960’s, after an interracial couple has a horrifying encounter with a UFO, they set out to discover if it actually happened, or if it is just a case of folie à deux–madness for two. Based on the true story of Barney and Betty Hill.

The story begins with the newlyweds on their honeymoon.  Over the course of the film, their marriage, and by extension their hold on the American Dream, is threatened by social pressures and self-doubt. 

This design strategy places the couple in a one bedroom, mail-order house that was built in the 1910’s and renovated over the decades.  The setting helps tell the story of a middle class couple, working together to walk the line between tradition and modernity in post-war America.  The furniture, appliances, and décor are a mismatch of hand me downs, homemade hacks and a few modern aspirational splurges. The house and the things within it weren’t built for this couple but they have found a way to create a happy home out of the resources that they have at their disposal. Norman Rockwell’s sunny, nostalgic vision of Americana serves as a primary visual reference.


A Portrait of Frances, Enclosed


Raspberry Fields